Visual Servoing at UNH, Day 2

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The day started off very well, with us checking out the mounting pole for a piece of multibeam sonar equipment that was being tested earlier in the week.

Satisfied that the image processing component was working properly, we switched to the 13cm pipe that we would be using for our demo.

Almost immediately, we ran into trouble... all of our calculations for distance were off. We ran and re-ran our calculations for the angular resolution of the camera, and for calculating our distance from the pipe based on its width in pixels on the video.

An hour or 2 later, we noticed that we had accidentally declared our angular resolution as a boolean instead of a double. That's a pretty big error! Surprisingly, it only affected our distance calculation by a factor of ten. But once we fixed it, we were spot on.

The results are dramatic!